Ultra Zoom Productions

Zoom® Meetings and Presentations.

ZOOM® is now being used by almost everyone from small businesses to churches to main stream media.

For those meetings where your presentation means everything, WLM is here to ensure you look and sound like the professional you are.

Not to mention that people have gotten rather used to, but are getting tired of the annoyingly poor sound and image quality most devices provide with their built in cameras and microphones.


  • low resolution web cams with automatic exposure and colour balance.
  • bad lighting and camera angles
  • hard to hear, echo filled, out of sync sound is typical.

Impress your guests and host your meeting with a professional feed from WLM. 

Livestream your meeting

WLM provides a variety of options to make your broadcast perfect including multi-platform streaming.

Not only do we provide a high quality HD presentation, we can livestream your camera feed as it's own production or we can livestream the entire meeting as a production.

Revenue Streams

Your Zoom® livestream can provide an addition revenue streams with corporate sponsorship slots.

We have great ways to feature sponsors without interrupting your meeting. 

Contact us to help you get the most out our your zoom presentations.